La spesa per una bella cena!
Chiara and Pia are preparing "spazlan" for a nice birthday party!
Chiara, Antonie, Ian, Pia and Eskild? who is missing? the birthday guy, Petros
La fata dei ciucci! Quando un bimbo smette di usare il ciuccio, regalerà la sua collezione di ciucci alla fata che se ne prenderà cura per sempre!
Idun Victoria is sleeping tight
Alla scoperta di posti sconosciuti
the egg!!! very nice place on the sea! let's take a break
Don't be afraid Chiara, I'll take you home
close to the sea...
the home of the sailor
interesting appartments
buying herbs: Origano and Rosmarin
a healthy smoothy
my men! Petros, Alessio, Antonio and Cedric
two Italians eating a very tipical Danish dinner!
First of May, 2013.
the park is full
of people
and having fun!
very nice!
Chiara and Olivier are hungry at the pub!
Blågårdsgade fest
da mia ciamena