UNHS Pullur
Udaya Bhavan
Hasipuram P.D.
Kasaragod 671531
Carissimi benefattori nel Signore,
sinceri auguri e ringraziamenti dall’India, da Suora Grace e dalla sua Comunitá; dalla Scuola Udaya nagar e suor Matilda. Il bel periodo di Natale con la sua gioia e felicitá sta arrivando. Auguro a voi tutti, caro Adriano, Patrizia, Steffano e Chiara, la Benedizione del Santo Natale ed un’Anno nuovo 2008 pieno di pace, gioia e benevolenza. Prego e spero che tutto vada bene con voi. Il Signore vi benedica di salute e contentezza.
Da noi, con la Grazia del Signore e la vostra generositá, tutto procede per il meglio. La partecipazione dei nostri alunni alle competizioni scolastiche è stata stupenda. Le autoritá scolastiche sono state sorprese del nostro successo. La nostra povera scuola di villaggio è arrivata seconda fra tutte le altre scuole, superando anche ricche Scuole Medie e Scuole Statali. Cosí ricordiamo sempre che voi siete alle spalle di tutto il nostro successo. Studenti che sono ricchi di talento ma finanziariamente poveri, dati i costi non potrebbero mai partecipare a competizioni simili. Con il vostro supporto finanziario i piú poveri hanno potuto esercitarsi e la vincita sará un’ emozione che non dimenticheranno mai nella loro carriera scolastica. Grazie per aver contribuito alla crescita della nostra scuola. Vi prego di ringraziare tutti i vostri generosi amici che hanno collaborato con voi.
Ieri la nostra ispezione scolastica è stata portata a buon termine. Stiamo entrando nella seconda sessione degli esami finali con inizio il 11-12-07. Al termine di questi, il 22-12-07 avremo una festa natalizia a livello scolastico in modo da dividere la gioia e la torta natalizia. Nello spirito sarete presenti anche voi.
Il “dalith” della nostra Parocchia si sta preparando per il tempo natalizio. Vi ricordate, col vostro aiuto abbiamo aiutato Prasad, un povero dalith cristiano, a suonare e ad acquistare un organo. Adesso è un’esperto ed il coro parocchiale partecipa in un contesto per canti natalizi il 16-12-07. Poi ci saranno le Celebrazioni Natalizie con il nostro Vescovo, vi parteciperanno diversi gruppi di tutta la Diocesi. Cosí potete essere sicuri che la nostra povera Comunitá sta crescendo ad ogni livello. Una delle coppie, alla quale voi avete reso possibile il matrimonio, non ha bambini. Chiedono di pregare per loro. Altre, affrontando la fatica e le difficoltá della vita quotidiana, vi ricordano con gratitudine. Lasciateci essere uniti nella preghiera.
Con affetto,
Suor Grace
Viktoria e Stefano.
Dear benefactors in the Lord,
loving and grateful greetings from India, from Sr. Grace and her community; Udaya nagar School and Sr.Matila. The wonderful season of Christmas comes round with its season of joy and mirth. I wish you all. Dear Adriano, Patrizia, Steffano and Chiara, all the blessings of Christmas and a New Year 2008, full of Peace , Joy and good will. Hope and pray that everything is well with you all. God bless you with good health and cheer.
Here, by the grace of God and your generosity, everything is going on well. Our childrens’ performance in the school competitions was wonderful. The school authorities were surprised at our success! Our poor village school, stand second among all other schools, even among rich English Medium and City schools. So we always remembered that you are at the back of all our success! Students who are talented but financially very poor, could never think of going on a stage, which is very costly: with your financial backing the poorest were trained and it is a memory they can never forget in their school life. Thank you for contributing to the growth of our school. Please convey our grateful prayers to all your generous friends who co-operated with you.
Yesterday our school inspection also completed successfully. Now we are entering into the mood of 2nd terminal exams which begin on 11-12-07. Then at the end of it on 22-12-07 we have school level X’mas celebration to share X’mas Joy and X’mas cake.You also will be present with us in spirit.
The “dalith”of our Parish is now getting ready for X’mas programmes. You remember, with your help we had helped Prasad, a poor dalit Christian youth to play musical Organ, and to buy an Organ. Now he is an expert and the church choir has carol singing competition on 16.12.07 Then Christmas celebration with our Bishop, in various groups, for the whole Diocese. So you can be sure our poor Community is growing at all levels. One of the couples, whom you helped to marriage has no children. They ask for prayers. Others remember you with gratitude, which they face the fatigue and daily life struggle. Let us be united in Prayers.
With Love,
loving and grateful greetings from India, from Sr. Grace and her community; Udaya nagar School and Sr.Matila. The wonderful season of Christmas comes round with its season of joy and mirth. I wish you all. Dear Adriano, Patrizia, Steffano and Chiara, all the blessings of Christmas and a New Year 2008, full of Peace , Joy and good will. Hope and pray that everything is well with you all. God bless you with good health and cheer.
Here, by the grace of God and your generosity, everything is going on well. Our childrens’ performance in the school competitions was wonderful. The school authorities were surprised at our success! Our poor village school, stand second among all other schools, even among rich English Medium and City schools. So we always remembered that you are at the back of all our success! Students who are talented but financially very poor, could never think of going on a stage, which is very costly: with your financial backing the poorest were trained and it is a memory they can never forget in their school life. Thank you for contributing to the growth of our school. Please convey our grateful prayers to all your generous friends who co-operated with you.
Yesterday our school inspection also completed successfully. Now we are entering into the mood of 2nd terminal exams which begin on 11-12-07. Then at the end of it on 22-12-07 we have school level X’mas celebration to share X’mas Joy and X’mas cake.You also will be present with us in spirit.
The “dalith”of our Parish is now getting ready for X’mas programmes. You remember, with your help we had helped Prasad, a poor dalit Christian youth to play musical Organ, and to buy an Organ. Now he is an expert and the church choir has carol singing competition on 16.12.07 Then Christmas celebration with our Bishop, in various groups, for the whole Diocese. So you can be sure our poor Community is growing at all levels. One of the couples, whom you helped to marriage has no children. They ask for prayers. Others remember you with gratitude, which they face the fatigue and daily life struggle. Let us be united in Prayers.
With Love,
Adriano con un tasso molto grasso. Carne per gli amici.